

Desmond Ong ;D
Im 15 and I BITE :D



My Mother:D


June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009


Designer: Joanne
Base Codes: tammy
Image: Photobucket
Featuring: Sweet Pink

Monday, September 28, 2009

i am feeling happy now
cos i passed my lit test, physics test( yes i know it is not Desmond-like to pass physics) and most importantly

9 out of 15 ... not so good
but i passed from i have no idea to i have a little idea :D
many thanks to Felicia, Evelyn and Wai Kit for helping me
then kns.... tio trouble with Yeoh
for happy birthday in toilet
WAt is this man????? what a party spoiler :(
and the reason why i love to sleep is cos of m comfy bed :)
but i sleeping at 10 ++ nowadays :(

edited-7:37 PM


Friday, September 25, 2009

i was emoing on physics thursday
cos iwas sad and i wrote emo things
see... and i am not going to say what i wrote cos it is really nasty
and i felt high and dry. alone

i bought Jeremy Toh's gift and took many fun shots :)
and this is life...there are ups and downs.
and here are the pics took
and i bought explosive stuff :)
the person beside me is my beloved sister :)))
should have one more pic but blogger is being a ...
and i couldn't add the last one :(

edited-9:43 PM


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Aiyo headache larhs
started revising SS
and need to remember stuff like mad
Aiyo headache larhs
need to find time buy gift for Darren and jeremy
Aiyo headache larhs
I saw Nicholas Teo writing German so smoothly
though the phrase was insulting
it was cool... as though German was his mother tongue
so i started with Japanese and got many many character
i printscreen some other day let you see how headache it is
while "learning"
i saw this

cow (n)
female of domestic cattle: "`moo-cow' is a child's term" (moo-cow)
mature female of mammals of which the male is called `bull'
a large unpleasant woman


edited-8:18 PM


Monday, September 21, 2009

my leg is better now
but my sis is angry with me :(
come to think of it...my classmates have not seen my sis before
so if she agrees ...
i will post a pic of my sis :D

edited-8:17 PM


Saturday, September 19, 2009

this pic is a description of what happen except that there were cars behind and the bus was alighting. BTW! this pic is not meant to be funny.
a tree which i saw before whilst taking the bus home. of couse, the photographer changed the colour of the picture. :P

it was friday and i took the bus
the day before, thursday, i wonder if i was in a collison with a bus
where would my body fly to
that was a premonition
i took the bus 29, it dropped me one stop late
and i ran across the road cause i saw a bus 29 approaching the bus stop opposite
then i ran, the car behind the bus sounded the horn at me
i was so scared i fell in front of the bus
and the bus was approaching the bus stop
i was right in front of it and i thought i was going to die
but it stopped
some people at the bus stop helped me up
but when i fell down, i sprained my ankle
and could only limp. i limped home and started crying
it was a scary feeling.
Cos i was all alone and there was nobody to help me up
i stuggled home and my parents took me to see my ah-gong
where he "repaired my leg"
but not before i saw an accident in front of me
the accident involved a car and a bicycle and happened near the
Shell station beside ShSS.
it was a scary and tragic day.
i went home and sleep and in my sleep i was troubled by unpleasant dreams.
i guess i will be limping for one week...and most likely, unable to buy Darren's gift.
And Felicia..cos u said my skin was gay, i changed it! Happy?!

edited-11:01 AM


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

i bled today
i cut myself today
it felt nice.
and there was this girl which was chio
kissing 100 men in France.
hahas. found her blog. YAY!!
she has like 100k views a day???

edited-8:07 PM


Monday, September 14, 2009

if u were in class u would know what this meant
:DDDDDD hahas
not a good day ...didn't bring tie, pencil case, and calculator and SS
then i was in a rotten mood as Hua Yeow tease my fav club
then Jane gave KS a hug
though i was not involved ..it brighten my day
then Jane suan me and i was sad
and then ks and me taught Evelyn tai dee
she really innocent kay??
rare people this days.....

edited-7:11 PM


Sunday, September 13, 2009

came home from competiton
woke up and watch Scaary Movie 4
went back to sleep.

Is tomoro Monday?

edited-11:21 AM


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

i am fine
today i went to outram park and there was this CHIO
doctor called kathleen Yip not Cathleen Yip who was very CHIO
she told me my back was fine and i sun need to put on a bra
CHIO but i had to come back 6 months later to see if things worsen
Dr .kathleen was a Christian cos there were many bible verses in the room
and because she was reading the book of proverbs.
and i tot this was a sign from God cos i prayed that i would get better
and i did and a coincidence that my doctor was also a Christian.
very odd.
then took the x ray and while waiting my mum told me something random
it started when i asked her whether the girl beside my mum was a malay or chinese
and she said chinese. then when the nurse called her name, she said in chinese that
she could see her underwear colour and because of the low v at the back , she could tell she
wasn't wearing a bra. and she looked paiseh
priceless. and the doctor which looked like a girl went to male toilet, touched my ass

and i dun care what my parents say... when i am 18 ... i will choose my religion to be Christianity
cos of the miracles He made in my life.

edited-8:25 PM


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The new com crashed again
it is all my fault
i hate it
jeremy... i know how you feel ...using this ......................perfect computer

but i am satisfied..

edited-9:44 PM


Monday, September 7, 2009

i died urgh
then went to value dollar with classmates
and bought stuff
then went back
i died urgh times 2
then darren, evelyn, lynn, hua yeow, carissa , jasmine ponned chinese.
i went
i died urgh times 3
dead then went back
and went home and add cute eio in
jeremy coming back today :D

edited-7:30 PM


Saturday, September 5, 2009

rest in peace
dear oreo, u were a good fren and companion and source of energy while u were still in one piece.
With Lots of Love
5 th september 2009, buried @ ** ****
ok, i feel disgraced with my self cos @ SAFTI yesterday, chun siang went missing
and i searched in vain for him
Now, when i ask myself, when he was missing did i search for him because i scared kena tekan
or was it because i cared for him??
so confusing. went to CQ today as acting Team 1 leader.
saw Evelyn and Felicia and they said they won the debate.
Good for them. Wonder how was hilary..
BURDENS--- eH SBQ, SEQ, A Math practice paper, E Math practice Paper x2, SS FSL, SS copy chapter 2, Chem paper,2 Chinese Paper, 4 Lit essays, Physics electricity worksheet

edited-7:35 PM


Friday, September 4, 2009

i tell you
ppl spent their life finding it
and happiness is is love, wealth, status fame??
and i have found it--- Satisfaction
satisfied with grades despite a dop in form due to illness
satisfied with 19/100 despite it being an apalling result
cos i know, my i am working hard
and i am satisfied
but i can't ignore the fact that i am hurt, shocked, imbalanced

went to Safti
came back

i need to go
Evelyn, Felicia, i will keep you in prayer for smooth success in your debate
KS, Jeremy, Gwenlyn, i will keep you in prayer for success in your Hilary

and i hope that 19/100 happens once in a lifetime only
and the result doesn't mean i suck

edited-8:26 PM


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Pet society pics

Look like students in the same class. And the background is pink :D

Many thanks to Jasmine and one to Jared
she rocks. Identify which one is me
I owe her one
must get her an in game item
i like my pet
very cute.
i miss my hamster ....

edited-5:40 PM